Under the Covers: The Secret Life of Software

Published in Github Pages, 2021

Recommended citation: Appavoo, Jonathan et al. “Under the Covers : The Secret Life of Software — UndertheCovers". https://jappavoo.github.io/UndertheCovers/textbook/intro_tb.htm” GitHub Pages. https://jappavoo.github.io/UndertheCovers/textbook/intro_tb.html

This free, online textbook is the the course text for CS 210 Introduction to Computing Systems at Bostion University.

The material in this textbook is broken down into three parts:

  1. The Unix Software development environment
  2. The Belly of the Beast: The von Neumann Architecture and assembly programming
  3. Into the Light: C Programming

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Appavoo, Jonathan et al. “Under the Covers : The Secret Life of Software — UndertheCovers.” GitHub Pages, https://jappavoo.github.io/UndertheCovers/textbook/intro_tb.html.