
cs-net: structural approach to time-series forecasting for high-dimensional feature space data with limited observations

Published in ICASSP 2023, 2022

In recent years, deep-learning-based approaches have been introduced to solving time-series forecasting-related problems. These novel methods have demonstrated impressive performance in univariate and low-dimensional multivariate time-series forecasting tasks. However, when these novel methods are used to handle high-dimensional multivariate forecasting problems, their performance is highly restricted by a practical training time and a reasonable GPU memory configuration. In this paper, inspired by a change of basis in the Hilbert space, we propose a flexible data feature extraction technique that excels in high-dimensional multivariate forecasting tasks. Our approach was originally developed for the National Science Foundation (NSF) Algorithms for Threat Detection (ATD) 2022 Challenge. Implemented using the attention mechanism and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) architecture, our method demonstrates great performance and compatibility. Our models trained on the GDELT Dataset finished 1st and 2nd places in the ATD sprint series and hold promise for other datasets for time series forecasting.

Recommended citation: Heyrich, Griffin et al. (2023). cs-net: structural approach to time-series forecasting for high-dimensional feature space data with limited observations.

Under the Covers: The Secret Life of Software

Published in Github Pages, 2021

This free, online textbook is the the course text for CS 210 Introduction to Computing Systems at Bostion University. The material in this textbook is broken down into three parts: 1. The Unix Software development environment 2. The Belly of the Beast: The von Neumann Architecture and assembly programming 3. Into the Light: C Programming

Recommended citation: Appavoo, Jonathan et al. “Under the Covers : The Secret Life of Software — UndertheCovers".” GitHub Pages.